Primary School


At The Friends’ School we believe that the wearing of the School uniform by students is a fundamental part of their and their parents’ commitment to the School Community. Wearing the School uniform is a visible way of establishing a student’s identity as part of The Friends’ School community.

It is expected that students’ general appearance and the manner in which they wear the uniform, both at School and in public, will be of a high standard. We expect students’ appearance to be neat and tidy at all times and consistent with School requirements.

Seasonal uniform changeover is not required. Students may choose to wear the options of uniform in which they feel comfortably suited. Mixtures of seasonal options are not allowed, nor should there be any mix of formal and sports uniform.

All students in the Primary School must wear the school bucket hat whilst outside at break time during Terms 1 and 4 and for excursions and other outdoor activities where indicated.

Students in Kindergarten to Year 4 wear sports uniform each day with black sneakers.

In Years 5 and 6 formal uniform is to be worn every day, except for PE days and other special days as notified. Year 5 and 6 students are to wear black leather lace-up school shoes with their formal uniform and good quality, supportive sports shoes with their sports uniform.

Current uniform requirements are detailed on the Uniform Handbook.

Students with hair of length past the collar are to tie it back. The Friends’ School Shop stocks acceptable hair accessories or plain red, navy or white ribbons and elastics may be used. Students are expected to wear their hair in a style and colour that is acceptable to the Head of Primary School.

Scarves, gloves and beanies may be worn to and from school. They should be plain red or navy and suitable items are available at the School Shop.

Students may wear a watch, a ring and plain studs/sleepers. No other jewellery or nail polish is permitted.

Co-curricular Sport Uniform

Some co-curricular sports teams and representative squads require particular items beyond the standard sports uniform.  Please refer to the co-curricular handbook or individual sports notices for further information.

Middle and Senior School (Years 7 - 12)


At The Friends’ School we believe that the wearing of the school uniform by students is a fundamental part of students’ and their parents’ commitment to the School Community.  Wearing the School uniform is a visible way of establishing a student’s identity as part of The Friends’ School community.
It is expected that Friends’ students’ general appearance and the manner in which they wear the uniform, both at School and in public, will be of a high standard. We expect students’ appearance to be neat and tidy at all times and consistent with School requirement. The School workplace guidelines for dress and skirt length are recommended to be a minimum length of no less than two-thirds of the total length between hip and knee.

Seasonal uniform changeover is not required. Students may choose to wear the options of uniform in which they feel comfortably suited.  Mixtures of seasonal options are not allowed, nor should there be any mix of formal and sports uniform. Students in Years 7-10 are strongly encouraged to wear a sunhat for outdoors activities.
Students are required to wear hair tied back for subjects where there is a health or safety requirement (for example Science, Foods, Design Technology, Art, PE) and in any other class where a teacher requires hair to be tied back for a particular activity.  At other times students may wear their hair out as long as it is clean, neat and tidy. Students are expected to wear their hair in a style and colour acceptable to the Head of School (this colour should be natural tones – not bright pink, blue or green as an example).  Beading and dreadlocks, for example, are not acceptable. Beards (including stubble) are not permitted unless permission is given by the Head of School.
School shoes are to be polished black leather lace-ups with heels of a height acceptable to the Head of School.  Shoes are to be kept clean and in suitable repair. Gym shoes are not to be worn with the formal uniform.

The blazer should be worn at formal School occasions such as Gatherings, assemblies and when representing the School (this can also be required on excursions and teachers will let students know).

Jewellery can be worn, a watch and a ring, as well as up to a maximum of two single plain sleepers or studs in each ear. Piercings in the nose are acceptable but must be a single small stud – all other facial piercings are not permitted. Students are permitted to wear blemish control make-up only. Clear nail polish is acceptable with School uniform – all other options are not permitted. Visible tattoos are not acceptable at any time.

If a student does not wear the uniform appropriately or present themselves correctly, they will be counselled and their parents informed of the School’s concerns.  If there is no improvement, the parents of the student will be contacted to formulate a resolution with the Head of School.


The full range of uniform requirements is available from The Friends’ School Shop, 1 Wilson Street, North Hobart. The Shop is the only authorised retailer of the Friends’ School uniform. The Shop also sells an extensive range of secondhand uniform and accessories. All School Uniform items, including for all school curricular and co-curricular activities, must be approved by the School’s Uniform Committee. Uniform requests and proposals submitted to the Uniform Committee are then recommended to the Principal’s Committee for final approval.  The convenor of the Uniform Committee is Bill Avery, Director of Community Engagement.

All uniform items listed, except shoes, is as supplied by the Shop. All articles of uniform must be clearly marked with the student’s name. Items listed as compulsory must be purchased for each student. Optional items may be added to the uniform as desired. It is recommended that all students have at least three changes of formal uniform to wear during the week, plus one or two of sports uniform especially when they are very active.

In the Middle and Senior School, formal uniform is required and worn every day. However, students may wear sports uniform for the day if they have three or more sporting commitments in any one day or if they ride a bicycle to School over a substantial distance. Students are not to wear items of the sports uniform and the formal uniform together.

Current uniform requirements are detailed in the Uniform Handbook.

Sports Uniform for Competition

Students representing the School in school sports teams need to wear appropriate uniform as advised by the person in charge of the activity. Generally, this will be the standard sports uniform.

However, sports with special requirements will be indicated by the particular sports coordinator. These include long socks and boots for hockey and soccer, bathers, athletic tops and rowing suits, all of which need only be purchased as necessary.  Some sports teams have a specific set of uniform that is to be hired via the School Shop for the duration of a season or competition. Details will be advised by the person in charge of the activity.

Outdoor Education

Appropriate outdoor wear is required by all students when engaged in Outdoor Education and field trips. Students will be advised of what is necessary by the teacher in charge. At times, some local suppliers offer discounts to Friends’ students with suitable ID. Outdoor equipment may also be hired from the School.