Acknowledgement of Country

The Friends’ School community acknowledges Tasmanian First Peoples as the traditional custodians and owners of this island lutruwita / trowunna.

As a learning community, we recognise the value of continuing First Peoples’ knowledge and cultural practice, which helps inform our understanding of history, culture and country.

We pay our respects to Elders past and present.

We acknowledge the strength and resilience of all of Tasmania’s First Peoples and we walk alongside them respectfully bearing witness.

“For thousands of years before 1788, this country was lived in by various Aboriginal peoples, at one with the land. Through colonisation, much of their land and culture has been lost to them and their children have been taken from them; they have suffered the injustice of racism, and material, psychological and spiritual deprivation.

Can we acknowledge with sorrow the loss of life and the on-going destruction of their languages, families and communities, appreciate the depth and strength of Aboriginal beliefs and values and learn from aboriginal people and accept the gifts they have for all of us?

Can we all as Australians work towards living together as equals, with mutual understanding and respect?”

(Quakers Australia Advices and Queries #18)

Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)

The Friends’ School recognises the identities and diversity of Australian First Peoples throughout mainland Australia and the Torres Strait Islands. Our vision is to work collaboratively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people for a better future for all Australians.

The School supports the ongoing work towards equality and equity between Australian First Peoples.  Through our Reconciliation Action Plan, we will actively support Voice, Treaty and Truth as a process that will provide unity and amplify the voices and empower the self-determination of Australian First Peoples. Together, will explore and celebrate the heritage, cultures and rights of Australian First Peoples in the School community and broader community.

We commit to meeting together in supported silence, to listen with an open heart and mind and to seek guidance. Our vision is guided by the Quaker Testimonies (Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Earthcare and Equality), calling us to be in the right relationship with all Peoples, the Land and Environment.

Click here to read The Friends’ School Reconciliation Action Plan.

After a five-year journey of development, involving the collaboration of over 40 dedicated individuals from diverse backgrounds within the School community, we are very proud to have formally launched our RAP during National Reconciliation Week.  The careful consideration and thoughtful input of many members of our community has shaped a comprehensive plan that aims to promote reconciliation and deepen the understanding of Indigenous cultures, histories, and contributions.

The RAP documents the steps our school is already taking in regard to reconciliation and to provide a framework for future work in this important area. These initiatives include curriculum developments, community partnerships, and events and activities that celebrate and acknowledge Indigenous heritage and knowledge.  Our Indigenous communities have important traditions, languages, and cultural practices.

Through the RAP the School supports Voice, Treaty and Truth as a process that will amplify the voices and empower the self-determination of Australian First Peoples. Our Quaker values of peace, community and equality are not just ideals we talk about; they are principles we actively incorporate into our daily activities and interactions. The RAP shapes our ongoing work towards equality, justice and equity for Australia’s First Peoples.

Click here to read The Friends’ School Reconciliation Action Plan.