The Friends’ School recognises that reaching Years 11 and 12 does not mean that additional educational needs disappear.

Study Support is an option for students with identified additional learning needs. Students are usually offered one session per week (although it can be more, if timetabling allows).

This is staffed by an access and inclusion teacher who will work with the student to develop and maintain good study strategies, assist with planning and organisation and be available to provide feedback or additional support with core content.

Senior School also offers timetabled Study Skills time to provide opportunities for more specific support in the areas of Mathematics, Science and English. This is available as an elective for any student at Senior School.


Year-round personal feedback for all our students, the school’s Studiosity service.

All students at The Friends’ School are provided with access to the Australian writing, maths, and science feedback service, Studiosity. With a strict ‘help not answers’ policy, the school’s Studiosity service helps students develop their own critical thinking skills and use feedback to improve their own work. The Friends’ School makes the service available to our students and families, year round including holidays. It can be accessed by using our School email address –