Thank you to Sam Norton for this article and demonstration video about staying fit at home. During these unusual times of isolation it’s important for…
Congratulations to the Taz Racing team, the new SB20 Australian Champions! Current Friends’ students Ed Reid and Harry Gregory, along with Friends’ Alumni Will Sargent…
We are very proud of our Friends’ community - including past students and current! - playing and participating in the new Hockey One National Competition.
Congratulations to Gabriel Yannarakis, Oliver White and Sam Castle who gained 1st place in the Tasmanian All Schools Cross Country Team event at Symmons Plains…
What an amazing display of team spirit at Thursday's Year 7 - 12 Athletics Carnival! Congratulations to Unwin House for winning the day and well done to everyone who participated.
Join us for a Senior School (Years 9-12) Principal’s Tour. Talk with our Principal, Esther Hill, learn more about our curriculum and co-curricular programs, facilities, meet staff members and engage with students. The tour will conclude with a morning tea and an opportunity to speak with our Enrolments team.