On Saturday 25 May we held reunions for the Class of 1984 (40 year out) and Class of 1994 (30 year out). The occasion kicked off with a school tour earlier in the afternoon where attendees explored the whole school, marvelling at the transformations made to our buildings. Afterwards everyone met up at Boodle Beasley in North Hobart for genuine and heartfelt excitement and chatter as old friends reconnected with each other over drinks and nibbles.
Thank you so much to everyone who was able to attend, especially to those who travelled from interstate and even from the UK! Please enjoy some photographs from the events.
Class of 1994 School TourEmily Dorney (Manser), James Pettifer, Blanche Sawbridge, Ange McHugh (Cooper).Nick Tompson, Jessica Buckely (Bills)Blanche Sawbridge, Ange McHugh (Cooper), Emily Dorney (Manser), James PettiferJulie Orchard, Betty (Beth) Rayner, Freya StaffordLogan Bittinger, Jenny Ho, Melanie Woolley (Fisher), Phil Zakaria, Chris CooperToby Greenless, Andrew CastleyNicole Gill, Rose Gregory (Jones), Bridget JupeJude Alexander, Amy O’Brien (Stewart), James WilsonToby Greenless, Andrew Castley, Astrid TiefholzNichola Wood-Smith, Lucy Higgs, Rachel RookeNicola Francis, Alison West (Miller), Astrid TiefholzLucy Higgs, Jen Fearn (de Little), David TitherleyDaniel ten Broeke, Nichola Wood-Smith
Join us for a Senior School (Years 9-12) Principal’s Tour. Talk with our Principal, Esther Hill, learn more about our curriculum and co-curricular programs, facilities, meet staff members and engage with students. The tour will conclude with a morning tea and an opportunity to speak with our Enrolments team.